Last updated on January 4th, 2023 at 10:49 pm
Membership Opportunities
Considering joining our team? Help us in our efforts to facilitate scientific and governmental recognition of the unlisted primate known as the North American Wood Ape (aka, sasquatch, or bigfoot) as well as in our efforts to conserve and protect the habitat of the species. An organization the size of the North American Wood Ape Conservancy (NAWAC) presents a diverse range of volunteer involvement opportunities.
Membership Tiers
The NAWAC uses a tiered membership approach, Associates and Investigators. The role of Associate Membership is designed specifically for entry-level members and for people who may not be able to participate in an active investigative way, but who may want to play a supportive role in the NAWAC and help to advance the group toward its goals. For individuals who may not be in proper health for field investigations, or who may not have the time or resources to devote to in-the-field research, the more supportive role of Associate Member may be more suitable.
New members start out at the Associate level. The annual dues for all members are $100. Dues from members goes toward the purchase of much needed equipment in our field research efforts and for helping keep our day-to-day operations of running a non-profit 501(c)3 organization afloat. No members receive per diem or other forms of financial compensation for their efforts; all members are volunteers and contribute their own personal time and resources towards our mission.
Members, both Associate and Investigators, have access to a private discussion forum where information is shared, questions can be asked, and relationships can be forged. Research opportunities may be offered to Associate Members, depending on region of residence, desire, drive, background, training, knowledge, and interests, etc. All members are encouraged to attend annual functions.
Depending on level of involvement and other considerations addressed annually by the Field Team Manager and the Board of Directors, Associate Members may graduate to field investigator status. Investigators have access to an additional discussion board as well as the raw sighting reports database where sighting reports are discussed, published or not. Investigators are responsible for assessing reports and conducting on-site visits, when appropriate.
Preferred Candidates
Persons who are interested in joining the NAWAC and assisting in field investigations in remote sites should be in good physical condition. They should also have the time and financial resources available to fund their own travel and equipment for investigation of eyewitness accounts and research in our study areas. Keen analytical skills are helpful. Interested applicants should be skeptical, but at the same time enthusiastic, inquisitive and open-minded. Above all, commitment and the ability to work as part of a team are the most critical traits for an applicant.
Helpful backgrounds for applicants include, but are not limited to: wildlife biology, zoology, primatology, and physical anthropology; photography and videography; expert trapping, hunting, tracking and outdoorsmanship; science and engineering; military, law enforcement, and investigative services; and EMT, firefighters, nurses, and medical doctors.
Regardless of background or location of residence, anyone can apply for membership.