The North American Wood Ape Conservancy today announces an expansion of the areas in which the group operates. Previously, the group was active in the original four state region of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Arkansas. With today’s announcement, the group has created the following operational regions:

Northeast | Southeast | West |
South-Central | Upper-Midwest | Rocky Mountains |
Operations in these regions will include investigation of received encounter reports including on-site visits (if necessary or deemed appropriate), field work in areas of potential wood ape habitat, member development activities, and educational opportunities aimed at the general public.
These regions are formed around groups of NAWAC members who, through field work and completion of other prerequisite efforts, have achieved investigator status within the organization. The NAWAC only publishes encounter reports that minimally include a witness interview by an investigator. Many times, the group will also conduct an on-site investigation of the encounter. Being able to travel to and back from these sites in a reasonable amount of time greatly dictated which states were included in each region.
Membership of the group has expanded significantly in the past few years and with it has come individuals of great talent, dedication, and ability who have shown themselves to be qualified investigators. Individuals interested in membership to the group can submit an application here.