Last updated on February 18th, 2025 at 01:26 pm

One of the goals of the NAWAC Mission Statement is “…to help further factual education and understanding to the public regarding the [wood ape] species”.

From time to time some of the members of the NAWAC are asked to appear as special guests in venues produced by 3rd parties, including, but not limited to: podcasts, radio shows, interviews, documentaries, TV broadcasts, and public speaking engagements. Below are links to some of those engagements.

Note: The views and opinions expressed in the venues below are those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policies or positions of the NAWAC.

For the official podcast of the NAWAC, see the Apes Among Us Podcast ►

Members in the Media

DateNAWAC MemberVenueTitleFormat
2023-10-27Kathy Strain
Access TuolumneThe Conversation: BigfootVideo
2023-07-10Paul Bowman
The Bigfoot InfluencersCompelling Interactions in Area X with Paul Bowman Jr., Ep #39Video
2023-06-22Bob Strain
Sasquatch OdysseySO EP:326 Bigfoot Smacking Our Camper!Audio
2023-06-15Mike Mayes
Sasquatch OdysseySO EP:323 Bigfoot: The Valley Of The Apes!Audio
2023-06-01Daryl Colyer
Sasquatch OdysseySO EP:317 Bigfoot In Area X!Audio
2023-05-22Matt Pruitt
The Bigfoot InfluencersEpisode #34: The Bigfoot Phenomenon with Matt Pruitt

2023-02-05Mike Mayes

The Bigfoot InfluencersEpisode #21: Valley of the Apes with Michael Mayes

2023-01-22Daryl Colyer
The Bigfoot InfluencersEpisode #19: Bigfoot Q&A with Dr. Esteban Sarmiento & Daryl ColyerVideo
2023-01-16Daryl Colyer
The Bigfoot InfluencersEpisode #18: Bigfoot in Area X with Daryl ColyerVideo
2022-09-25Kathy Strain
The Bigfoot InfluencersEpisode #2: Native Culture & Bigfoot with Kathy StrainVideo
2022-08-20Mike Mayes

Bigfoot SocietyOklahoma Wood Apes Encounters in the Valley of the ApesVideo
2022-06-01Mike Mayes

Anomalist BooksValley of the Apes: The Search for Sasquatch in Area XBook
2022-04-18Daryl Colyer
Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo!Ep. 154 - Daryl ColyerAudio
2022-01-10Paul Bowman
Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo!Ep. 140 - Paul Bowman Jr.Audio
2021-11-15Mike Mayes
Sasquatch: Out Of The Shadows LIVE Stream #78: Mystery Big Cats & NAWAC with Michael MayesVideo
2021-11-08Matt Pruitt
Sasquatch: Out Of The Shadows LIVE Stream #77: Matt Pruitt of NAWACVideo
2021-10-04Mike Mayes

Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo!Ep. 126 - Black Panthers & Wood Apes with Mike Mayes!Audio
2021-03-09Bob Strain
Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo!Ep. 096 - Bob Strain

2021-02-16Kathy Strain
Bigfoot Society PodcastKathy Strain, author and archeologist interviewVideo
2021-02-09Dr. Angelo Capparella
Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo!Ep. 092 - Dr. Angelo CapparellaAudio
2021-02-02Kathy Strain
Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo!Ep. 091 - Kathy StrainAudio
2020-10-21Matt Pruitt
Sasquatch TracksMatt Pruitt: Sasquatch TheoryAudio
2020-08-18Matt Pruitt
The Unseen Paranormal Podcast Bigfoot Researcher Matt PruittAudio
2020-06-14Bob Strain
Sasquatch ChroniclesEP:663 I Thought that is NOT a BearAudio
2020-05-10Matt Pruitt
Sasquatch ChroniclesEP:653 Collecting A Specimen With Matt PruittAudio
2020-05-04Kathy Strain
The Forest FleurCampfire Chats: Kathy Strain on Native Americans & BigfootAudio
2020-04-20Matt Pruitt
The Forest FleurCampfire Chats: The Expert IIAudio
2020-04-17Kathy Strain
Sasquatch ChroniclesEP:655 An Anthropologist Encounters SasquatchAudio
2020-02-15Matt Pruitt
Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and BoboEp. 041 - Monkey's Origin Story / Apes on the Radio (Part Two)Audio
2020-02-08Matt Pruitt
Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and BoboEp. 040 - The Value of Bigfoot Evidence - Part OneAudio
2019-07-24Bob & Kathy Strain
Beast TVEp. #9 - Bob & Kathy StrainVideo
2019-05-19Matt Pruitt
The Forest FleurCampfire Chats: The ExpertAudio
2019-04-05Matt Pruitt
The Paradigm MatrixMatt Pruitt InterviewAudio
2018-11-08Paul Bowman
AA Cafe Podcast from DoubleShot Coffee CompanyAA Cafe #116 - Archaeology (part 2)Audio
2018-10-02Paul Bowman
AA Cafe Podcast from DoubleShot Coffee CompanyAA Cafe #115 - Archaeology (part 1)Audio
2018-08-24Matt Pruitt
The Paradigm MatrixMatt Pruitt InterviewAudio
2018-06-18Matt Pruitt
Squatch Detective RadioGeorgia researcher Matt PruittAudio
2018Bob Strain
Monster X Radio1Bigfoot Researcher Bob StrainAudio
2017-10-12Paul Bowman
AA Cafe Podcast from DoubleShot Coffee CompanyAA Cafe #105 - Coffee with the North American Wood ApeAudio
2017-08-14Seth Breedlove
After Hours with RictorSeth BreedloveVideo
2015-11-20Bob Strain
After Hours with RictorBob Strain (Part 2)Video
2015-08-04Bob & Kathy Strain
Beachfoot 2015Area X PresentationVideo
2015-07-29Bob Strain
After Hours with RictorBob Strain (Part 1)Video
2015-06-07Daryl Colyer
SasWhat: A Podcast about Bigfoot
Episode 52: with Daryl Colyer and Brian Brown
2014-12-13Kathy Strain
SasWhat: A Podcast about BigfootEp. 29 with Kathy StrainAudio
2014-04-02Kathy Strain
After Hours with RictorBigfoot Researcher Kathy StrainVideo
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