Last updated on August 6th, 2021 at 11:07 am

The outreach activities of the NAWAC are undertaken on several fronts. This website, obviously, represents one such endeavor. In addition, the NAWAC occasionally sponsors and participates in educational activities such as symposia/conferences and public presentations. Spokespersons from the organization are often sought as guests on radio programs and for interviews by various media representatives. Quite a few of our members have appeared on television programs and documentaries pertaining to the existence of the sasquatch and related documentation efforts. See Members in the Media.
NAWAC members speak at various forums, including public schools, colleges and universities, civic organizations, and the NAWAC’s open bi-monthly meetings. All appearances are designed to further public knowledge and awareness and to promote scientific, official and governmental recognition of the species. Net proceeds from conferences and presentations are always dedicated toward furthering the NAWAC’s stated goals and mission.
The NAWAC has also cooperated with institutions to plan and facilitate major museum exhibits. In 2004 the Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History, affiliated with Texas A&M University, sponsored a six-month BIGFOOT: Fact or Folklore? exhibit. In 2005 TBRC representatives began collaborating with the University of Texas to produce the Bigfoot in Texas? exhibit and lecture series at the prestigious Institute of Texan Cultures (ITC) in San Antonio. The critically acclaimed exhibit opened to the public on April 7, 2006. Following the conclusion of the exhibit, the ITC donated the display panels to the NAWAC.

We also have our our official podcast called Apes Among Us. Our podcast helps people understand our mission and gives a small glimpse into the dynamics of the organization.
Please use our contact us page if you have an interest in scheduling a NAWAC member to speak at your school or event, or if you would like to discuss interviews or other kinds of appearances and/or services.